Hi, We're still here, there was suppose to be a tornado, then major thunder and lightning storms and guess what, a little rain and then sun. Go figure! Today we took Skipper for a nice long walk, after the rain and met a guy, Bob Collins, ( from manasquan, met him years ago) that went to Admiral Farragut with our friend Charles. He proceeds to tell me a story about tying a boat real tight and the captain getting angry and so on and so forth so I called Charles and guess what, he was the one that was in charge of pranks and it was his idea. Small small world! Took a walk around the Jacques Cousteau museum (I've been trying to do that for the past 4 years and it was OK, not what I expected.
This afternoon we rode bikes across the bridge to Fort Monroe, across a moat and visited the museum. It was fantastic, so much to see it went on and on. Fort Monroe is the biggest stone fort in the country. Started out with rain jackets and sweatshirts and wound up coming back with just tee shirts, it got really warm and sunny. Stopped in the PX, bought some microwave sandwiches and sat outside and ate lunch. Back at the boat we went and pumped out the holding tank, met some new people and are now having cocktails.
Did I tell you we walked over the bridge yesterday in the pouring rain to do our laundry, yep, we were soaked when we got back and had to dry out all of those clothes.
For those of you that didn't hear the story about Michael hear goes: He was getting off of the boat that was in dry dock getting some repairs done and stepped down onto the ladder, the ladder slid and there he went, right down 8 feet onto his nose, just his nose, nothing else was damaged but what a mess he was. It was so bad the emergency room said he had to have a plastic surgeon put it back together. Would you believe he never even got a black eye, even after the surgery, unbelievable. He then got vertigo so that set us back, then the windless needed to be fixed and we had to wait for the parts, hence, that is why the boys left without me and I had to drive to Hampton when the part was fixed. All is well now, his face is almost normal, the windless is fixed and we are planning to take off for the Dismal Swamp tomorrow morning at 6:30. Here is a picture of his nose after the operations, the boys and me, and me with George Lopez.
Mike and Diane
This seems to be working fine. Have a fun trip.
Loved the pictures. I can't believe how much of a Vohden you look like in the picture! Wow!
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